A guided step-by-step thyroid recovery program to balance and restore the thyroid, adrenals and hormonal system.
If you have tried this on your own, seeing countless practitioners and not getting the answers you need….it may have or will cost you not only triple the cost of this program, but wasting your valuable time and so much energy…. your families time that you never get back.
I have done this work for you so that all the hard work is taken away, and as I have treated 100’s of thyroid cases, I know what you need.
The program is done in your own time, as fast or as slow as you need, so that you can complete the whole program in as little as 1-4 weeks, or up to 8-10 weeks.
I have had so many patients come to me trying to treat their own thyroid with not-so-great-results, wasting time and not getting the right diagnosis and treatment that they deserve. They are actually doing more harm than good treating themselves.
In the Hyperthyroid and Graves’ Disease Recovery program, I have spent 27 years gathering information from thousands of thyroid patients and my own personal thyroid-healing journey, to put together a step by step, easy thyroid restorative program that works and is based on the treatment guidelines I follow with all of my thyroid patients.